Thursday, October 23, 2008

No, seriously, people in the back...

Are you deaf?

In honor of those who are sitting next to me in class...


Just a little advice for the people in the back of the class. STOP BEING SO DEAF!!! LISTEN! And stop asking stupid questions! Thank you! :-)

Hey, Sam.

What is up?

Once again it has been brought to my attention

that we are the authors of our history. We must seize the time that we have in order that our future will be bright. We must must take the course of our lives into our own hands... If we don't we may perish. We must also look to the past, and if necessary change it. That is right: change it. Family Guy's newest episode (THE ROAD TO GERMANY) has brought it to my attention that time travel can effect change. We must beware of our pasts... lest we alter... the. F U T U R E! If Brian and Stewie did not get out safely, then future Family Guy episodes would lack their wit and sassiness. So remember, if you have the ability to do so: build a time machine, go back to Germany, but be careful!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

katie is here

yogurtland time


someone is being pulled over at the intersection of walnut and wisteria. :-)

waiting for katie

at yogurtland at the arbor in irvine... Know what I'm saying?

5 copies of the OCD workbook in a row

anyone else see the humor? ;-)

I am amazing

I wear sunglasses indoors

annoying screaming children

do something if you want to keep them from "falling" down the escalator... Mmkay?

The guy next to me

sounds anorexic. He's saying that eating makes him feel fat... He sounds like he wants to compulsively exercise.

barnes & noble

the ampersand is the hip place to be

have you had ur coffee with Michelangelo?

Can't say that I have! :-)

I dropped my boba

life is unfair


Soc Sci discussion



Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Friday, October 17, 2008


I don't love you. (*holds up cell) You're no longer in my 5.


Michael and Claribel here. WHAT IS UP? YO! CHICKA!

We be at the Spectrum yo! The heart of the OC. Well, the kidneys or the gallbladder... SOUTH COAST PLAZA is the heart. Like duh! We are here to tell about the hippest and hoppinest of the stores! Chocolate Mountain or whatever it's called. A+++++++++++++++++. That good. Try the Avalanche Bark. It's so superdeduperly awesome possum. What do you think, Claribel, about the Halloween Boutique?

Whorelicious... WAIT let me think! I can't do it on the spot (p.s. that is most certainly what she said). Ew crying baby. Like really. Someone shut that kid up. This isn't a sweat shop. It's the Apple store. (I LIKE APPLES.)

Now, what about Kelly's?
MMMMMMMmmmMMmMmMMMmm. Bomb-shizzle. Those cappuccizzles are fo shizzles yo. Try the Milky Way. It's like so totally awesome.

THE PET STORE! Chinchilla! Chinchy! She's so sassy. Her and her Chinchilla bath (mmm girl). Where be da bubbles? So tonight, we wanted to get a little gangstered up yo Chingy yo. We is from da OC up in da Hizouse. WEEZY. Such a bummer.


Michael and Claribel.

PS. Word. to your motherizzle. Yo.

Weekend at Bernie's...

Really now? Nobody notices a dead body... because it is in positions that make it look alive. BUT it comes to life when music is playing. REALLY? REALLY? Is this the best Hollywood could come up with?

What is scarier than a GNOME?



SO FUNNY!!! Balloon's are evil.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

ßrake Check

Readers, how do you brake check a cyclist? Not a motorcycle. Just a bike. I was at the intersection of University/Mesa in Irvine. A bike rider came up behind me. TOO CLOSE, BRO. TOO CLOSE.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Sleep time...

Turn the lights off...

Whatever the lyrics are...




Pretty birdie, not Satan birdie.

Her class is like the 11th circle.

Every time you cuss, a baby dies.

The don't say "the." They just say 405. So go to 405. That's almost an obscenity.

Peppermint Chocolate Soy Milk


It only had one part of Faust. Tragedy... No pun intended.

I am soooooooo bored!

I thought I would use my Mac (oh yeah, I have a Mac, baby!) to take a picture... Well, this is the corner of my soc sci discussion room. WHITE WALLS.... Any questions?

Awareness Test Video on YouTube

Check this out!!!!! I use other people's videos to express myself...

I have a bowl of cereal but...

... my SPOON is TOO BIG!

Soc Sci Discussion


Skipping Class

Any ideas on how to get out of a class when you are sitting in back, the doors is at the front where the TA is, and there are only 20 people in the room?

Guten Morgen!

Good morning to the 949/714 (depending on your location in OC). 949 is better. YEAH, SOUTH COUNTY!!!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


I will be back.

Songs. It is a game.

It's a game I just invented with my brain. Use lyrics of songs to link songs together using the lyrics of those songs in an infinite chain of lyrics.

Now try to guess all the songs. Hint: There are 34 songs. Some lyric segments are longer than others. Some are only a few words. GOOD LUCK!

I want to rock-and-roll all night and party everyone's watching to see what you will do you know I love you I'll always be true so please love me and you and you and me no matter how we human or are we denser my sign is vital my hands are shaking cold these hand are meant to hold speak to me when darkness turns to lights and sound to show you how to save a lifeline if you want to get out of this I wonder is there anything I'm the type of person who let the hurricane set in motion yeah let the rain of what I feel come down sometimes even the wrong words seem to rhyme out of the dark no blinding light or tunnels to gates of white shadows sparkle and glisten part was letting go not taking part it was the hardest part and the strangest thing was waiting for that bell to ring doesn't shine for me anymore and this diamond ring doesn't mean what it meant before and if I go crazy then will you still call me superman if I'm alive and well without you the lights they peer out of the leafless trees and you won't be alone I'm falling asleep and she is everything I need that I never really gave up on breaking out of this two-star town I've got sunshine on a cloudy day when it's not my time after time when I was gonna mourn you are my fire illuminated out of fate or something better I could care less just stay with me a while but you know that's she's watching she's laughing she's everything you can tell me that you don't beg liar liar if we're keeping score then we're all choir boys at my show Monday I was hoping somebody told me that you had a boyfriend who looks like when kids grow up and learn to walk.


I am such an artist.

Inspirational Quote

Ingredients: sugar, dextrose, gum base, corn syrup, natural and artificial flavors, softeners, glycerine, soy lecithin, citric acid, tapioca dextrin, aspartame, acesulfame potassium, artificial color, red f40 lake, red 40, carnauba wax, resinous glaze, bht (to maintain freshness).

I am sooooo OC.

I wear long sleeve shirts under short sleeve shirts under long sleeve shirts.

My 1st true conversation with ChaCha

Me: Do you blog?
ChaCha: No, I don't at all.
Me: If I were add would you... oh, something shiny.
ChaCha: Shiny is bright or glossy in appearance; filled with light as by sunshine; rubbed or worn to a glossy smoothness, as clothes.
Me: Hi, ChaCha.
ChaCha: Hi, how are you this evening? Random Fun Fact: On average, 100 people choke to death on ball-point pens every year.
Me: I was fine until the comment about ball-point pens. How are you?
ChaCha: I'm just sitting here waiting to answer you questions. I'm sore from my muay thai class. Do you have any questions for ChaCha?
Me: No. Just want to have a conversation. Is this what you want to do with you life?
ChaCha: My first job is actually working with emotionally handicapped kids....doesn't pay a lot so this helps out at night. Smile!
Me: You sound like a nice and caring person.
ChaCha: You get a different guide each time. But I am also a nice and caring person. ChaCha on!
Me: ChaCha is just a faceless Rosen corporation to me. Do you like spaghetti?
ChaCha: I love spaghetti, signed a faceless rosen robot.
Me: Is ChaCha just robots?
ChaCha: Nope, there 35,000 active Guides throughout the country - with thousands available online at any time. All as human as can be.
Me: Are we human? Or are we denser?
ChaCha: I am human but I don't know what you are! ChaCha!
Me: You're a tease, ChaCha
ChaCha: [accidentally deleted... but it had absolutely nothing to do with my statement.]
Me: You are unpredictable, ChaCha.
ChaCha: [accidentally deleted, but it asked for feedback - FB then A, B, C, D, or F.]
Me: FB your mom
ChaCha: [accidentally deleted, but was a Thank You message from an automated system]
Me: You are so sassy ChaCha.
ChaCha: [accidentally deleted, but it was pretty much something to the extent of "Thank you."]
Me: My blog is  can I get some constructive criticism?
ChaCha: It looks pretty good, you just need a reason for me to be there. Post interesting pics/stories/comics and I would return.

I have roll-down windows...

... do you THINK i have cruise control?

How dare you, ChaCha?!

Me: Can you prevent me from having an emotional breakdown?
ChaCha: I Think that you should try talking to a therapist. Thank you for using Vhavha.

HOW DARE YOU, Vhavha! How dare you mess with my unstable head by changing your name!!!!!

Ode to the Flag of Scotland on My Door

O, blue flag, how thou dost wave
In the twilight of being in the midst of CA.
A rebel on the Pacific shores, no sunglasses.
O, how now, blue flag with white.
To console you would make everything right.
Without thine Starbucks in hand,
How dost thou wave upon the land.
How dost thou with your symmetry
Compose the form of poetry.
Is for sore eyes a lovely sight.
Break'st thou my heart to see you too,
For your color is a shade of blue.
Take my hand and lead the way.
I see the pride that you convey.
Alas, no journey ever spent
Could mend the holes that you have rent,
Scar of lands of days before,
Traces of the chill-ed shore.
What's this, alack, for all anon.
I lost my train of thought in po'm
You art but a flag, a shade of blue.
I really don't care enough to make this last line rhyme or even fit in with the poem itself.
Word up, yo.


There is...

... a plastic dinosaur on the desk.

I love college class examples...

My teacher pulled out toy cars.

Restless Legs Syndrome

Still. He is still pacing around the room. Not even the room. It is like the same line back and forth...

Spanish speaking skill yo.

Yo hablo espan(tilde sobre la n)ol. Si(acento sobre la i). Palabra.

snoitcelfeR CO: atilebiralC y otileugiM

All you ever knew is BACKWARDS!


Let's ask CHACHA

Text 242242. They know.

Me: ChaCha, why am I so freakin awesome?
ChaCha: Probably because you are the only one who thinks so.

Well, let's give ChaCha a second chance.

Me: Why am I so awesome?
ChaCha: You are so awesome because you text ChaCha!

That's what I thought.

An IM from my good friend Tricia

How dare you cut in front of me, you so could have hit my rims on my escalade. I need to pick up Muffin from the groomers and plan her birthday party.

Thank you, Tricia, for your contribution. You have been immortalized in the halls of Valhalla. Or Either/or.

Let's take some notes...

Random assignment in psychological testing
Double Blind: don't let subjects/experimenters know what group they are in
Extra justification for inductive reasoning?
Hume wrong?
Disney Ad exp.
Someone's memories are "changing" (i.e. False Memory)

New Font...

THIS IS TRIPPY! It looks like a woodland scene combined with the bits and pieces of everyday life.


I mean really....


I mean really....

My teacher must have RLS...


Epistemology 101

I am now in my Soc Sci class at UCI. Just prior to this, I spoke with my esteemed colleague Claribel... And she had a point.

If you are what you eat...

If you eat an apple, you are an apple.
If you eat a skinny person, you are a skinny person.

According to this logic, OC women are diet pills/salad (thank you, Emma [UCI], for your input).



Hey, It's Michael (Miguelito - deal with it). I just got a text from Claribel[ita]... It reads thus:

I hate my life, my life is but a black abyss! I asked to get a white range rover not a pearl white! Is the world out to get me? I choose to see through one eye and cover the other where my daddy didn't hug me enough.

True dat, Claribel. True dat.


First the fish go... Stupid Phytoplankton.


According to the video... WE ARE ALL GOING TO DIE.


Well, I am sitting in Earth Sci watching a video about changing climate... I want to leave. Unfortunately I can't. But we are just watching a video. But I am doing poorly in this class. But I don't really care. But I do. WHAT DO I DO? SAVE ME.